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Kids Are So Important To Us – the “Why”

August 10, 2017

We would like to share with you a note we received from an Ashland County school liaison this past school year:

Note from liaison: I wanted to thank you again for finding shoes for everyone in this family. There were 5 children in this family and I have been trying to connect with the parents all year. They have been hesitant to trust anyone. I have been looking for a way to connect and noticed that 2 of the children never wore tennis shoes, so I thought that might be  way I can help this family. I called the parents and found out all the children were in need and they agreed to allow me to try and find tennis shoes for the children. This is the first time they accepted help. I had tried at Thanksgiving and Christmas to help this family and they wouldn’t accept any help, I think due to pride. Which is admirable.

 These children are the sweetest kids you will ever meet. When I gave them their shoes they were so happy, it was all I could do to hold back the tears. I could not have done this without Associated Charities help. I know sometimes you don’t get to see the joy on the children’s faces and don’t always receive the thank you that you deserve. Not only were you able to give shoes to  children in need you also lifted their spirits and helped me build a relationship with the parents. Today it was shoes but tomorrow it may be a bigger need and now the family feels safer in reaching out to me.

I think this testimonial reveals the “why” we do what we do. This is “why” we have started our Kids Clothes Closet – we want to be a part of helping those less fortunate children in Ashland county feel better about themselves. So if you are out shopping and see a pair of jeans, a shirt, socks or shoes, please keep us in mind! And with winter ahead, we will be in need of winter coats, hats and gloves. Last year we gave out 425 coats!