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Christmas Giving for Children

October 26, 2017

This magical time of year is the perfect time to show our children the gift of giving. At Associated Charities/Ashland County Food Bank we have several ways you can involve your child in the “Giving Spirit”.

 Adopt a Family: With this program you can request a child to “adopt”. Maybe you select one your child’s age. You would get a list of toys this child would like and then your child can shop! How exciting and rewarding for your child to help brighten another’s Christmas.

 Food Drive: Create a Christmas meal menu and have you little one or teen shop for that meal. Or have them select a couple items from the list to donate. What a beautiful way to involve your child and help another family at the same time.

 Toy Donation: Maybe when you are out shopping your child could purchase a gift or toy for another child their age. We sometimes need help knowing what the different age groups are wanting each year, especially the teens and this would be a big help for us to stock our “Santa” room.

 No donation is too small. A child that has a dollar to spend and purchases a box of stuffing is just as precious as the one that spends ten dollars. We appreciate all our donors…large and small.

 “If you can’t feed a hundred people – then feed just one”

                                                          Mother Teresa