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Author: admin

Ashland High School – Caring and Sharing Week – Day 1

Bob Quackenbush just dropped off the first load from Ashland High School’s week of “Caring and Sharing”. These high school students have been doing this for over 15 years. Each day has a different theme. Monday was “pasta” day….I wonder what will come in tomorrow!

Polk Food Satellite

Our Polk Satellite was started in 2011 with the help of 5 Stone Church and the Polk Fire Department. This Satellite is held the 3rd Tuesday of the month (January – October). It is located at the Polk Fire Station, 209 E. Congress Street from 6:00 pm until the food is gone. This serves families in need residing in Troy, Sullivan, Orange, Jackson and Perry Townships. Please bring proper ID to verify address and bags to carry your food.

Trinity’s Monthly Food Donation

Our volunteers, Virginia Bartley and Kathy Conery are unloading the van with Trinity’s monthly donation. Besides volunteering once a month at the Food Bank they also help at our Christmas program too. We love our volunteers! Thank you girls!!

Winter Coats

Providing our Ashland County children with a warm coat, hat and gloves has always been a high priority at our “Kids Closet”. In 2017 we gave out 336 warm winter coats to our area youth. This is only possible with the help of our fantastic donors that came forward to make a difference.

“Kids Closet” – Thank you!

We want to thank the many donors that have made our “Kids Clothes Closet” possible. Because of your donations we were able to help a family last week with clothes for 2 little boys. They arrived at their new home with only the clothes on their back. How wonderful it was to be able to get them some new clothes for school. This is the “why” we do what we do. Thank you!

Volunteers – Thank You!

We want to send out a big “Thank You” to our fabulous volunteers. Last year they donated almost 3,000 hours to helping others at Associated Charities/Ashland County Food Bank.

Thank You!

Amazon Smile Donation

Did you know that your Amazon purchases can also result in a donation to Associated Charities? Go to and select Associated Charities to receive donations from eligible purchases before you begin shopping. Amazon will remember your selection and then every eligible purchase you make at will result in a donation. How easy is that? Thanks to those that have already signed up!

“Kids Clothes Closet”

Our Kids Closet provides clothes for Ashland County youth through high school. If you know of a child or have one that needs a winter coat, shoes or clothes please stop in the office during regular business hours. We can also use clean, gently used or NEW kid’s clothing. We are so thankful to the donors that have helped stock our racks and shelves!

Christ United Methodist Church – Clothing Giveaway

Christ United Methodist Church will once again have a FREE clothing giveaway this Friday, January 26th from 9 to 1 in their Fellowship Hall. If you know someone in need of clothing please pass along this information. What a fabulous program for our community. Great job – Christ United Methodist!!

American Legion Post #88 Donation

American Legion Post # 88 Commander Ron Dull presented Rosemarie Donley, Executive Director of Associated Charities, with a check for $10,000. Post #88 has supported Associated Charities/Ashland County Food Bank for many years. We are honored to have their support.

Little ones make Christmas Magical!

This is one of our youngest donors, Remington. He has done chores all year to put money into his “Give Jar”. Him and his family have adopted a family for Christmas and Remington is planning on doing some shopping for his “adopted” friend. This is what the spirit of Christmas is all about. It certainly warms our hearts to see the smile on his face holding his “Give Jar”! Thank you Remington and all of our little ones that come in with donations to help others in our county. You are amazing!!